Support For Low-Emissions Timber In Construction In Regional Victoria

The Australian Government is increasing support for construction businesses to use low‑carbon timber and deliver jobs in our forest industries across regional Victoria. The Government, through the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC), is investing $300 million in the Timber Building Program. Minister for Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction, Angus Taylor said the Program will finance…

Nationals back timber jobs at Gippsland forestry forum

A round table forum with Gippsland forestry professionals and Nationals MP’s has reaffirmed support for Victoria’s sustainable native and plantation timber industry. Held at the Gippsland Forestry Hub in Churchill, the group discussed future strategies to support the native timber and plantation industries and the importance of all timber jobs to Gippsland’s economy. The Nationals…

SPEECH: Federal Court ruling supports Nationals push to give forestry industry certainty

Watch here. Senator McKENZIE (Victoria—Leader of the Nationals in the Senate) (13:47): Today, the drums of democracy are beating loudly for our native forest industry as this week a full bench of the Federal Court upheld the appeal of VicForests against the action by Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum following the years of uncertainty Justice Mortimer’s finding…

Federal Court ruling supports Nationals push to give native forestry industry certainty

Yesterday, the Federal Court unanimously ruled that Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) do uphold the Commonwealth’s required environmental standards. That is why The National Party, through Leader of the Nationals in the Senate, Senator McKenzie’s Private Senator’s Bill, has sought to clarify this since the ruling of Justice Mortimer in May last year. The finding comes…

HERALD SUN: Anti-logging protesters slammed for using toddler as a ‘political pawn’

BY Tamsin Rose Anti-logging protesters in East Gippsland have been slammed for placing a toddler in danger and using the child as a “political pawn”. Photos obtained by the Herald Sun show a small child wandering alone near heavy forestry machinery on April 9. CFMEU national secretary Michael O’Connor said it was not the first…