Nationals Protect Indi Water

National’s Senator for Victoria, Bridget McKenzie says water security throughout the Indi region is vital and will be protected under the leadership of the Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce. Senator McKenzie said she strongly supported comments from Mr Joyce regarding possible extra environmental flows as part of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. “The Deputy Prime Minister…


You should be on the stage Andrew

National Party Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie says Labor spokesman Andrew Leigh is missing his biggest opportunity yet – a career on the stage, preferably in comedy. “How else could you explain Andrew’s latest media release and speech to the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals? “He commits Labor to a “suite of innovative policy…


ACCC Study Supports Red Meat Industry Concerns

National’s Senator for Victoria, Bridget McKenzie today welcomed the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Interim Report into the cattle and beef industry which revealed allegations of anti-competitive conduct in the industry. The ACCC found competitiveness of Australian beef and cattle markets could be improved by the adoption of objective carcase grading, improvements to the…


Backpacker Boom Expected

Victoria could see an increase in working holiday makers after the Federal Government launched a global $10 million campaign to attract more to Australia. National’s Senator for Victoria, Bridget McKenzie said the campaign builds on the Coalition’s recent reform package, which will make Australia a world-leading destination for young people to undertake a working holiday.…


Win over Benalla Rates Issue

National’s Senator, Bridget McKenzie has announced that the Federal Government has agreed to make a transition payment of almost $448,000 to the Benalla Rural City Council, to avert a shortfall in rates to the Council followed the sale by Thales to the Commonwealth of the Benalla Munitions Facility “This is great news for the Council…


Delivering on the promise to protect the CFA

In the strongest move yet to protect CFA Volunteers in Victoria, the Turnbull/Joyce Government has passed the Fair Work Amendment (Respect for Emergency Services Volunteers) Bill with the assistance of the majority of Senate crossbenchers, Committee Chair, Senator Bridget McKenzie said she was particularly impressed that several interstate crossbench senators had attended hearings in regional…


Bendigo Tennis Centre wins fundinmg for expansion

The Bendigo Tennis Centre Expansion will become a reality after winning funding in Round 3 of the Federal Coalition Government’s National Stronger Regions Fund.  National’s Senator for Victoria, Bridget McKenzie said the centre has been granted $2,090,000 through Round 3 of the National Stronger Regions Fund, announced by Minister Fiona Nash. “This was a hotly…
