ALP sells out regional Victoria for inner-city votes

The Australian Senate today supported The Nationals call for the Victorian Labor Government to immediately reverse its decision to severely restrict the 2021 duck season. The Senate agreed that restrictions imposed by the Andrews Government were politically motivated to unfairly target law-abiding duck hunters and the rural communities their sustainable game hunting supported. The Victorian…


Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Funding to Boost Jobs and the Economy in North-East Victoria

Bellbridge, source: The Federal Liberal and Nationals Government has approved funding for 15 projects across Wodonga and Towong Local Government Areas as part of its $1.5 billion Local Road and Community Infrastructure Program, which is supporting local jobs, businesses and boosting the economy during COVID-19. Nationals Senate Leader and Wodonga-based Senator for Victoria Bridget…


Weekend Australian (Inquirer feature): PM faces ideological battle for climate control

By Paul Kelly The tasks facing Scott Morrison in 2021 are the immunisation of 25 million Australians and navigating a policy transition to net-zero carbon emissions at 2050 — with the message from parliament’s opening week being that his chief dangers come from populist conservatives and regional Australia. Morrison’s ambitious effort to move his government…


Weekend Australian: Nationals ready to bargain on net zero emissions

Senior Nationals party figures have warned Scott Morrison they want agriculture, mining and manufacturing protected in any Australian policy transition to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and they will cross the floor to protect regional Australia and their party’s identity. The warning is sounded strongest by former leader ­Barnaby Joyce and former deputy leader…
