Border Zone Expanded, Agriculture Worker Code Also Urgently Needed

Wodonga-based Nationals Senate Leader Bridget McKenzie today welcomed the NSW government’s move to finally expand the border zone after six weeks of livelihoods being disrupted and even devastated. The NSW Premier today expanded the zone back to a 50 kilometre radius and eased restrictions to allow for necessary daily life activities. “The arbitrary two-kilometre zone…


Nationals Defeat Labor’s Attack On Jobs

The Labor Party and Greens today unsuccessfully attempted to shut down funding for a feasibility study into Australia’s first 1 GW High-Efficiency, Low Emission (HELE) coal-fired power station in Collinsville, Queensland. Labor has aligned itself with the extreme left and completely abandoned the very people they were established to represent. The Labor Party could not…


Labor And The Greens Again Blatantly Show Their Contempt For Rural And Regional Victoria

Nationals Senate Leader Bridget McKenzie said Labor and The Greens today again turned their back on hard working regional Victorian families in a pathetic attempt to shut down Victoria’s sustainable timber industry. The Greens unsuccessfully called on the federal Government to abandon the Victorian Regional Forest Agreement which provides for sustainable management and use of…


Senate Endorses Nationals Campaign Highlighting Impacts Of State Border Closures On Rural And Regional Communities

The Nationals Senate team welcomes today’s Senate vote acknowledging border travel restrictions imposed by state and territory governments have negatively impacted the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of regional Australians who live and work across border communities. The Senate today voted 27-22 in support of a Nationals Motion which urgently called on state…


National Cabinet Must Develop A National Approach To Border Closures And Quarantine Protocols

Wodonga-based Nationals Senate Leader Bridget McKenzie is calling on National Cabinet to deliver a nationally consistent approach to border closures and quarantine processes. While state leaders are engaged in a political game of one-upmanship regional communities, hundreds of kilometres from COVID-19 hotspots, are being torn apart. Protecting the health of the Australian community is the…


Deputy Premier’s commitment for Cross Border re-set a significant step forward

Wodonga-based Nationals Senate Leader Bridget McKenzie says the call by NSW Nationals Leader and Deputy Premier John Barilaro for the border permit system to be dismantled is right. The Nationals are putting rural and regional communities first. “Like Barra today, The Nationals have been very vocal in our calls for a practical approach to allow…


Heavy vehicle safety funding boost for Wodonga

The Wodonga Institute of TAFE has been granted $235,760 under Round 5 of the Australian Government’s Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative for a new project aimed at saving lives and reducing road trauma. Nationals Senate Leader and Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie said the money would kick-start the TAFE’s Multi-media Advanced Emergency Braking (AEB) project to…
