Carers voice concerns

 12 September 2011 THE development of a National Carer Strategy and the call for a National Disability Insurance Scheme saw carers across the region voicing their concerns at a workshop held recently. Newly-instated Senator Bridget McKenzie addressed concerns by carers at a workshop organised by disability services provider, BrainLink at the Traralgon Neighbourhood House last…


McKenzie tours Castlemaine

One of Victoria’s newest Senators, Bridget McKenzie, paid her first official visit to Castlemaine last week. The Senator concluded that Castlemaine has good food, is the administrative centre for a well-run Shire and home to big-hearted people after a luncheon meeting at Togs with Mayor Janet Cropley, a tour of Windarring and meetings with the…


Traralgon carers share their concerns

Senator Bridget McKenzie will spend Friday afternoon with carers from Brainlink at the ‘Changed Lives’ carer’s workshop in Traralgon where she will welcome the Productivity Commission’s report into Disability Care and Support and discuss it’s potential. Brainlink is a community based care and education organisation that focuses on the effect of acquired brain disorders. The…


Thales a great Bendigo story: senator

  3 September 2011 A NATIONALS senator has a renewed enthusiasm for the nation’s manufacturing industry after touring Thales in Bendigo.   Senator Bridget McKenzie this week met with Thales staff and management and inspected its production line. “I just think it is a great example of everything that is great about manufacturing in regional…


Australian Apple and Pear Growers

  18 August 2011 Julia Gillard’s nod to potentially fire-blighted Kiwi apple imports is appalling, writes BRIDGET McKENZIE THE attitude of the Federal Government when it comes to dealing with the major issues confronting regional Victorians is baffling. The latest in a string of decisions that confound me is the possible green light to the…
