Exit grant hopes high

  18 October 2011   THE Federal Government says it expects all eligible farmers who applied for exit grants will get their money, although it won’t guarantee it. The Government set aside $14 million for the 2011-12 financial year to pay people out of the farming industry, but announced just two months into the year…


Wonderful weekend of wine

  12 October 2011 About 3500 people passed through the gates at the weekend’s Heathcote Wine and Food Festival, despite the forecast for wet weather. Wine lovers and festival revellers travelled from far and wide to be in Heathcote to indulge in the fine wine and food the region has become renowned for. City of…


Tax ‘will damage dairy’: Nationals

  6 October 2011 Dairy has become a battleground for the carbon tax debate, with Federal Nationals leader Warren Truss saying the industry will be unfairly disadvantaged. Mr Truss and Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie raised the issue following a tour of Murray Goulburn’s Global Distribution Centre at Port Melbourne this week. During the visit, the…


Fight for equality

  5 October 2011 No on quotas: Rural Finance chair Sonia Petering, Alexandra Gartmann from the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal and Senator Bridget McKenzie at the rural and regional women’s lunch. THERE are more women on boards and in parliaments, but the imbalance continues, writes GENEVIEVE BARLOW Want to start a fiery debate…


Dairy farming families, exports attacked by carbon tax

Canberra’s carbon tax will cripple the household budgets of dairy farming families, and give overseas competitors an unfair advantage over Victoria’s major exporter of foodstuffs. Bridget McKenzie, the Nationals Senator for Victoria, said this after touring Murray Goulburn’s Global Distribution Centre at Port Melbourne with the Nationals’ leader, Warren Truss. “The carbon tax will cost…


Support for SurfLivesaving Australia

The Nationals Senator for Victoria, Bridget McKenzie, has called on the Federal Government to financially support Surf Lifesaving Australia’s a research program, which is designed to further reduce drowning deaths in Australia. Senator McKenzie teamed up with Senators from Queensland, NSW and Victoria, to introduce a joint motion to Parliament for more support for the…


Labor cashes in on regional funding

Smaller towns have lost out to Labor’s political ambitions in the fight for funds for regional development projects, according to the Nationals Senator for Victoria, Bridget McKenzie. She says the latest round of grants from the Regional Development Australia Fund shows a clear bias towards marginal Labor seats at the expense of regional towns and…


Carbon tax will hit Victoria hard

Victorian Government-commissioned economic modelling has confirmed that Julia Gillard’s carbon tax will be bad for Victoria and cost thousands of jobs across the State. The Nationals Senator for Victoria, Bridget McKenzie, said this today following a State Government survey across 80 Local Government regions. “This economic analysis has confirmed that the Labor-Greens carbon tax will…
