Gillard Govt betrays Bendigo over PHI

News the Gillard Government rammed their changes to Private Health Insurance through the Senate last night will come as a blow to regional Victorians, according to Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie. “This is another betrayal by the Gillard Government which will further increase cost of living pressures on Bendigo residents,” Senator McKenzie said today. “Our nation’s…


MDBA concedes taking basin water will have ‘damaging, severe, devastating effects’

The Nationals Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie will welcome the Women for a Living Basin community group to the halls of Parliament tomorrow. Senator McKenzie said the delegation was heading to Canberra to draw attention to the negative social impacts of the Murray Darling Basin Plan on their families, schools, businesses and communities. “This dedicated…


MDBA consultations a sham

Joint press release with Senator Barnaby Joyce, Shadow Minister for Regional Development, Local Government & Water The Murray-Darling Basin Authority’s approach to consultation is a rolling sham said Senators Barnaby Joyce and Bridget McKenzie today.  “The whole process smacks of a conspiracy against consultation. The MDBA appears to have no interest in listening to the…


Murray community must make itself heard

On the dawn of the Mildura public forum and with just 65 days remaining in the consultation period, The Nationals Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie implored Victorians to have their say on the Murray Darling Basin Plan. “No one understands the importance of a sustainable river system and environment more than the people living in…
