Senate inquiry prompts Victorian government apology

The Nationals Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie yesterday attended the Victorian government’s apology to the men and women affected by the state’s forced adoption practices from the 1950s to the 1970s.     Senator McKenzie congratulated Premier Ted Baillieu and Minister Mary Wooldridge on the government’s practical assistance for those affected, and was moved by…


Evidence shows Zebra Chip disease will cripple local potato industry

 The Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee has heard the proposed importation of fresh New Zealand potatoes, potentially infested with Zebra Chip disease, would ravage an industry already under significant pressure.   In Canberra for the Senate inquiry, the Nationals Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie heard from Victorian potato growers who painted…


Senator congratulates a local champion

The Nationals Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie congratulates Gippland’s Alex Arbuthnot AM on being awarded the National Farmers’ Federation Award of Honour for his contribution to the agricultural sector. Senator McKenzie, who attended the presentation at the NFF Art of Farming Congress dinner last night, said the award was fitting for a local champion of…


Bali bombings 10th anniversary

The Nationals Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie has attended the national memorial service in Canberra to mark the 10th anniversary of the 2002 Bali bombings. The bombings in Kuta on October 12, 2002 killed 202 people and we today pause to remember the 88 Australians who lost their lives in the terrorism attack, 22 of…


Avalon Airport to become export hub

The Nationals Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie and the Member for Western Victoria David O’Brien MLC have welcomed news of a second international airport for Victoria, to be opened at Avalon Airport.   Senator McKenzie said the Commonwealth Government announcement to amend the airport’s lease was a great opportunity for producers in the state’s west…


World Mental Health Day 2012

The Nationals Senator for Victoria and Patron Senator for Bendigo Bridget McKenzie is encouraging central Victorians to acknowledge World Mental Health Day this Wednesday, October 10.   “World Mental Health Day is an opportunity to raise awareness about mental health issues in our community,” Senator McKenzie said.    “Mental illness is Australia’s most prevalent health…
