McKenzie: There’s something wrong when bottled water and soft drink is more expensive than milk!

Victorian Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie joined forces with Senator Barnaby Joyce and Australian food campaigner, Dick Smith at a dairy crisis meeting in Tongala today that saw at least 500 disillusioned dairy farmers looking for change.   The meeting was co-ordinated by newly formed lobby group, Farmer Power and was chaired by Wyuna farmer, Nigel…

Back to School – McKenzie encourages rights and responsibilities as part of International Safer Internet Day

As the school year begins, many parents will be purchasing internet enabled devices to help their children access information as part of their learning. Many schools will also be providing laptops and these will arrive home with the children this week. Tuesday, February 5 is International Safer Internet Day and this year, the theme is…

Federal Government lacks headspace common sense

The Nationals Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie has attacked the government’s so-called common sense approach to determining how communities receive headspace centres.   In response to a Senate Estimates Question on Notice, the government confirmed results of national modelling and “a level of human intelligence” are a basis to determining how locations are selected, giving…

Senator calls for Labor Govt to back science and endorse grazing

 The Nationals Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie has used Question Time in the Senate to highlight the Labor Government’s inability to put science before politics.    Senator McKenzie yesterday quizzed the Minister representing the Minister for Sustainability and the Environment Senator Stephen Conroy on the merits of grazing, as endorsed by his state Labor colleagues.…

Govt fails to answer NBN consultation questions, refers to cuddly koalas instead

The Government has failed to answer questions on community consultation for NBN towers in two regional Victorian communities during Senate Question Time today, the Nationals Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie said. The Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Stephen Conroy was at a complete loss when questioned about proposed sites at Buninyong and…