More Study Needed on Decentralisation Requirements – Page Research Centre Study

A new study into decentralisation, commissioned by the Page Research Centre, has found a shortage of detailed research into decentralisation and the most effective methods used to attract people to move from the capital cities into regional areas. Conducted by the Hugo Centre for Migration and Population Research at the University of Adelaide, the study…

Big Win for Small Business with new Section 46 Effects

Nationals Senator for Victoria, Bridget McKenzie said new legislation to strengthen Australia’s competition law will benefit consumers, business and the economy, especially in regional areas. “The Harper Review recommendations strengthen section 46 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. “It found that current misuse of market power law is not reliably enforceable and does not…

Lake Hume Foreshore Project successful in the Coalition’s Building Better Regions Fund

The Wodonga region will receive a boost following news that the Huon Reserve on Lake Hume Foreshore project has won funding through the Coalition Government’s Building Better Regions Fund. Nationals Senator for Victoria, Bridget McKenzie said today the project would receive $125,000 through the Fund, making the project a reality. “The grant goes towards the $250,000…