Safe Places in Indi for Women and Children Escaping Violence

$390,000 will fund new emergency accommodation in north-east Victoria for women and children escaping domestic violence. Wodonga-based Nationals Senate Leader and Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie said the funding for Beyond Housing, in partnership with the Centre Against Violence in Indi, is from the Liberal and Nationals Government’s $60 million Safe Places initiative. “It will help…

Regional Tourism Recovery Package to Attract More Visitors To Indi

Tourist operators in north-east Victoria stand to benefit as part of a $250 million government campaign to boost regional tourism, jobs and local economies. The Liberal and Nationals government’s package includes $200 million for an additional round of the Building Better Regions Fund to boost local infrastructure in regional communities. “$100 million will be dedicated…

Acknowledgement From Victorian Premier Melbourne Is Not Mildura

Confirmation regional Victoria will take a further step towards COVID-19 normal is the overdue recognition from the Andrews Labor Government that Mildura is not Melbourne, says Nationals Senate Leader and Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie. “Country Victorians have been forced to make massive sacrifices to get to this point. “While children will be back in…

One Giant Leap For Premier, One Small Step For Regional Victoria

The slight easing of regional Victorian restrictions highlights Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews’ inability to govern for all Victoria, not just Melbourne, Nationals Senate Leader and Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie says. “While I welcome the premier’s belated acknowledgement regional Victoria is different to greater Metropolitan Melbourne it is incredibly disappointing regional COVID-19 free communities remain…

Premier Andrews’ stubborn one-size-fits-all mindset a hurtful insult to Regional Victoria

Nationals Senate Leader and Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie has condemned Victoria’s one-size-fits-all plan to re-open regional Victoria. Senator McKenzie has strongly implored Premier Daniel Andrews to show some empathy for COVID-19 free rural and regional Victorians who have suffered untold financial and emotional damage during his extended forced restrictions. “From the start of this…

Nationals Delivering for Victorian Basin Communities

Nationals Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie welcomed today’s announcement of no more water buybacks from irrigators and strengthened compliance within the Murray Darling Basin Authority that the Victorian Nationals have been pushing for. Today’s Murray–Darling Communities Investment Package means Victorian communities will share in an overhaul of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan that will see over…

Victoria Labor Government and Police Must Re-examine Its Agenda That Unfairly Targets Law Abiding Firearm Owners

Our community of law-abiding hunters and sporting shooters have once again been unfairly singled out by Victoria Police who continue to use the COVID-19 pandemic as a method to strip away the rights of firearm owners. The Victoria Police have threatened to ‘reprimand, suspend or cancel’ licences of registered firearm owners who ‘blatantly and deliberately…