Screen Australia Bias Against Aussie Beef Industry Slammed in Senate Estimates

Screen Australia has been caught out by Nationals Senate Leader and Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie for funding $625,000 of taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars to bring down the Australian beef industry. Fight for Planet A: Our Climate Challenge is listed as a documentary on both Screen Australia and the ABC’s websites even though it is factually…

Senate Estimates Exposes Victorian Labor’s Murray Basin Rail Project Deception

The Andrews Labor Government’s deception of north-west Victorian producers was exposed during Senate Estimates this week when it was forced to release its revised business case for the disastrous overdue and over budget Murray Basin Rail Project. Nationals Senate Leader and Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie and Member for Mallee Anne Webster said the business…

Andrews Government Preferred Option Keeps Murray Basin Rail Project Off The Rails

The Victorian Government’s business case for the stalled Murray Basin Rail Project must be released publicly as a matter of urgency to allow industry to review the revised options. Victorian Nationals Senate Leader and Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie and Nationals Member for Mallee Anne Webster said Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications…

Bushfire Projects To Boost Upper Murray’s Economic Recovery

Four North East projects are included in five bushfire recovery projects today given the green light Victoria, through more than $1.5 million in Local Economic Recovery funding from the Australian and Victorian governments. Nationals Senate Leader and Wodonga-based Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie said the support announced today by Minister for Emergency Management, David Littleproud,…

Senate backs Nationals urgent call for states and territories to show leadership and compassion for regional communities

The Senate today endorsed a Nationals motion calling on all states and territories to adopt a clear national definition of a COVID hotspot and the National Agricultural Worker Code. The Senate voted in favour of The Nationals motion which acknowledged border travel restrictions imposed by state and territory governments have negatively impacted the lives and…

Making More Drought Water Infrastructure Support Available For North-East Victorian Farmers

More farmers across north-east Victoria will be able to build more drought proofing infrastructure thanks to another $50 million for the On-farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate Scheme. Wodonga-based Nationals Senate leader and Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie said the $25,000 rebate scheme offers practical support to farmers cope with drought such as drilling new bores, desilting…

Growing Jobs In North-East Victoria by Transforming Manufacturing

North-east Victoria will benefit from the $1.5 billion Modern Manufacturing Strategy announced today, Wodonga-based Nationals Senate leader and Nationals Senator Bridget McKenzie said. “The Modern Manufacturing Strategy is part of the Liberal and Nationals Government’s JobMaker Plan that will revive a new era of manufacturing, rebuild regional economies and create jobs as we recover from…

Drought Resilience Grants Encouraging Innovation

North-east Victorian organisations, farmer groups and individuals with innovative ideas to build drought resilience can now apply for grants of up to $200,000, Nationals Senate Leader and Nationals Senator for Victoria Bridget McKenzie announced. “Applications are now open for the $10 million grants component of the Natural Resource Management Drought Resilience Program,” she said. “Grants…