THE WEEKLY TIMES: OPINION Safeguard measures are legitimate

The Productivity Commission’s public hearing in Melbourne on October 28 will provide key players a chance to respond to an interim report which found that SPC Ardmona’s application for emergency assistance was not warranted. The outcome was disappointing, but not surprising. Since the Agreement on Safeguards was established in 1994, only one Australian application for…

THE WEEKLY TIMES: McKenzie takes aim at Libs

NATIONALS Senator Bridget McKenzie has taken aim at Liberal candidate Greg Bickley for “paying lip service” to Bendigo jobs.   Senator McKenzie’s outburst is another indication the Nationals intend to play hard-ball with their Coalition partner should it win on Saturday. The Bendigo-based Victorian Senator said front running  candidates for both major parties had repeatedly…

PORTLAND OBSERVER: Nationals Senators dazzled by Budj Bim visit

THE senator who will become Aboriginal Affairs Minister if a coalition wins the impending federal  election  has   praised the   Gunditjmara  Budj    Bim heritage site,  describing it as “fantastic and wonderful.” Senator  Nigel   Scullion, visiting the southwest  from the Northern    Territory   alongside Victorian    National   Party Senator     Bridget  McKenzie, toured  the site near Tyrendarra with    prominent   …