SWAN HILL GUARDIAN: Changes to ‘illogical’ test a win for country kids

Pic source: ncsehe.edu.au BY Kate Thorburn COUNTRY students considered asset-rich but cash-poor are able to access youth allowance for the first time, after the eligibility test for the financial assistance program was loosened. A bill was passed in Canberra last week excluding farms and trusts from the eligibility test for youth allowance, which assists full-time…

DUBBO DAILY LIBERAL: Time for education equality is now

Pic source: studiesinaustralia.com THE federal government needs to act quickly to address barriers facing rural and regional students, according to National party senator Bridget McKenzie. Last week saw the government pass changes to Youth Allowance eligibility, including removing the Family Assets Test and the Family Actual Means Test from the Youth Allowance Personal Test from…